Welcome back to music in 2021 at Wattle Grove Primary School!
I am incredibly happy with how hard all classes have been working during these first weeks back at school.
This term has a focus on rhythm and form. Classes have been refreshing their memories of the rhythms learned last year, and performing them on various percussion instruments. Here is a little look at what each of the classes have been working on so far this term.
Year 1
This year the Year 1 Music classes will be taught by Mrs. Honey. They have shown great enthusiasm in their introduction to music. They have been learning to read and write the rhythm notes “Ta”, “Ti-Ti” and “Za” and perform combinations of rhythm patterns using drums. We have been singing and chanting songs at different speeds and learned to recognise and move to the beat of music.
Year 2
The Year 2’s have continued to develop their understanding of rhythm, adding the rhythm notes “Ta-a” and “Ta-a-a-a” to their repertoire. We have begun looking at ostinato’s (a repeated pattern in music) and have practised performing rhythms and chanting at the same time. The Year 2's have been rehearsing the song Dig A Potato which involves chanting, body movements and percussion.
Year 3
In our Year 3 lessons we have been building on our understanding of rhythm notes covered in Year 2. Students have added the rhythm note "Tika-Tika" and "za-a" to their list of rhythm notes they are able to read, write and perform, and we have been practising to drum rhythms on the djembe drums. The second half of Term 1 will focus on time signatures and writing tricky combinations of rhythm patterns.
Year 4
The Year 4 classes have worked very hard at the beginning of 2021. We have been discussing the form (or structure) of a piece of music using proper terminology such as 'binary form' and 'ternary form'. The Year 4's have been practising a song titled I'm A Peanut, which involves chanting and drumming in a group.
Year 5 and 6
The Year 5 and 6 classes have continued to develop rhythm skills learned in previous years. We have practised reading and writing rhythms on the djembe drums using different drumming techniques to add groove and feeling. The Year 5 and 6 classes are rehearsing a song called Sleepy Sailor which consolidates the skills and concepts covered in Term 1.
Well done to all students for such a magnificent start to 2021!